Fisheries Country Profile: Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Darussalam is located in the northwestern part of Borneo. The country has a total land area of 5,765 km2 and a coastline of 269 km long fronting the South China Sea. The continental shelf area is about 8,600 km2 and the exclusive economic zone has an area of 5,614 km2. The fisheries subsectors in Brunei Darussalam include capture fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood processing. Capture fisheries are composed of small-scale and commercial fisheries. For the purpose of fisheries management, the fishing area is divided into four zones, namely: Zone 1 (0–3 nm), Zone 2 (3–20 nm), Zone 3 (20–45 nm), and Zone 4 (45–200 nm). The Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism is the fisheries authority of Brunei Darussalam.

The number of fishers and fish farmers in 2021 was 2,195 and 446, respectively. In 2021, the gross domestic product from fisheries was 0.5 % while the fish available for consumption was 47 kg/capita. For total production in 2020, marine capture fisheries contribute around 79 % and aquaculture contributes around 21 %. On the other hand, inland capture fisheries production is neglectable.

Total fishery production of Brunei Darussalam by quantity (MT)

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Total 16,575 14,658 14,712 15,427 14,114 4,353
Capture Fisheries 13,074 13,725 13,566 13,795 13,292 3,370
Marine Capture 13,074 13,725 13,566 13,795 13,292 3,370
Inland Capture
Aquaculture 3,501 933 1,146 1,632 822 983

Source: Fishery Statistical Bulletin of Southeast Asia 2020

Total fishery production of Brunei Darussalam by value (US$ 1,000)

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Total 81,580 60,138 44,061 55,424 50,353 15,468
Capture Fisheries 55,094 53,320 35,543 44,439 46,215 9,303
Marine Capture 55,094 53,320 35,543 44,439 46,215 9,303
Inland Capture
Aquaculture 26,486 6,818 8,518 10,985 4,138 6,165

Source: Fishery Statistical Bulletin of Southeast Asia 2020

Production of major species/groups of species from marine capture fisheries of Brunei Darussalam by quantity (MT)

Major species/group 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015*
Tunas 1,337 2,217 2,500 1,026 634
Scads 226 302 429 2,361 419
Sardines 65 228 238 292
Shrimps/prawns 2,350 178 1,368 1,572 1,572
Mackerels 43 172 1,119 861 1,059
Squids 63 91 64 87 109

*Data provided was by family
Source: Fishery Statistical Bulletin of Southeast Asia 2020

Production of major species/groups of species from aquaculture of Brunei Darussalam by quantity (MT)

Major species/group 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Shrimps/prawns 3,048 592 724 1,242 712 787
Groupers 67 159 214 65 13
Barramundi 125 104 83 185 107 87
Pompano 197 51 38 20

Source: Fishery Statistical Bulletin of Southeast Asia 2020

Export and import of fishery products of Brunei Darussalam by quantity (MT) and value (US$ 1,000)

Year Export Import
Quantity (MT) Value (US$ 1,000) Quantity (MT) Value (US$ 1,000)
2020 1,572 7,431 12,338 50,021
2019 2,345 6,172 13,030 51,057
2018 1,505 4,169 12,041 49,136
2017 1,299 5,819 10,797 43,624
2016 892 3,057 10,565 39,853
2015 1,540 3,342 9,510 40,776

Source: FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Information and Statistics Service