Blue Horizon: Ocean Relief through Seaweed Aquaculture

Blue Horizon: Ocean Relief through Seaweed Aquaculture

The project “Blue Horizon: Ocean Relief through Seaweed Aquaculture” is funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). The Project will be executed in partnership with SEAFDEC, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) of the Philippines, and the Department of Fisheries of Viet Nam. WWF-US will serve as the GEF Implementing Agency for the Project. The Project duration covers from 2024-2028.

The overarching goal of the Project is to create new sustainable seaweed value chains that will deliver ecosystem services and provide socio-economic benefits to communities, particularly those reliant on marine ecosystems for their livelihoods. To achieve the goal, the Project will proceed through its four key components: 1): Regional approach and capacity for seaweed value chains in Southeast Asia; 2) Enabling Environment for Seaweed Aquaculture in Philippines and Viet Nam; 3) Seaweed Value Chains (production, processing, and marketing); and 4) Knowledge Management, M&E, and IW Learn (regional).

Stakeholder Engagement Plan: Regional

Disclosure date (from): 13 Feb 2024