Recent News

SEAFDEC joins the Thirty-fourth Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries

SEAFDEC, led by the SEAFDEC Secretary-General, Ms. Malinee Smithrithee, and senior officials from the SEAFDEC Secretariat and Departments, participated as observer during the 34th Session of Committee on Fisheries (COFI34) which was organized virtually by FAO on 1–5 February 2021. The COFI34 was attended by more than 500 participants including …

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SEAFDEC holds its 2020 Department Chiefs’ Meeting

The SEAFDEC Departments Chiefs’ Meeting was convened on 3 December 2020 through Google Meet, and was attended by the SEAFDEC Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, the SEAFDEC Department Chiefs and senior officials from the Secretariat, TD, MFRD, AQD, MFRDMD, and IFRDMD. After discussing the follow-up actions to address the directives of the …

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The Twenty-first Meeting of SEAFDEC Information Staff Program convened

SEAFDEC organized the Twenty-first Meeting of SEAFDEC Information Staff Program (21ISP) from 30 November to 1 December 2020 through Google Meet. The 21ISP was attended by the SEAFDEC Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, senior officials as well as information-related officers from the Secretariat, TD, MFRD, AQD, MFRDMD, and IFRDMD. During the Meeting, …

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SEAFDEC organizes Twenty-third Meeting of FCG/ASSP

The Twenty-third Meeting of the Fisheries Consultative Group (FCG) of the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Strategic Partnership (ASSP) or the 23FCG/ASSP was organized by SEAFDEC through the online platform from 17 to 18 November 2020. The 23FCG/ASSP was co-chaired by Acting Director of the Department of Fisheries of Brunei Darussalam, Ms. Noraini Haji …

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