The Resolution and Plan of Action on Sustainable Fisheries for Food Security for the ASEAN Region Towards 2030 (RES&POA-2030) provides a policy framework for sustainable fisheries development in the ASEAN region. The monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the RES&POA-2030 are conducted in 2021 for the baseline information, in 2025 for midterm review, and in 2029 for final evaluation, with the objectives of 1) assessing the level of regional and national implementation 2) identifying the gaps, challenges, and lessons learned, and 3) providing recommendations to enhance the implementation of the RES&POA-2030.
In line with the ongoing monitoring processes, the SEAFDEC Secretariat organized the RES&POA-2030: Regional Workshop on the Mid-term Review of the Implementation on 18 February 2025 via a virtual platform. The Workshop was attended by 60 participants, including representatives from the SEAFDEC Member Countries, namely: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam; officers from the SEAFDEC Secretariat, TD, AQD, MFRD, MFRDMD, and IFRDMD; and Regional Fisheries Policy Network (RFPN) members.
Chaired by SEAFDEC Secretary-General, Dr. Suttinee Limthammahisorn, the Workshop reviewed the overview of the SEAFDEC initiative “Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the RES&POA-2030” as well as the summary of the 2021 Baseline Information. Moreover, the template and indicators for the Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of the RES&POA-2030 were explained to the Member Countries. Subsequently, the Workshop agreed on the timeframe for compiling the information and submitting the results of the mid-term review to the SEAFDEC Council, SEAFDEC Program Committee, and ASEAN mechanism.