SEAFDEC organizes the Fourth Regional Technical Consultation on Fishery Statistics and Information

The SEAFDEC Secretariat organized the “Fourth Regional Technical Consultation on Fishery Statistics and Information in Southeast Asia” on 28–30 August 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. The Consultation was attended by representatives from the ASEAN Member States (AMSs), an expert from Hokkaido University, and relevant officers from the SEAFDEC Secretariat and Training Department. As the fourth in a series of Consultations on Fishery Statistics and Information in Southeast Asia, this Consultation intended to come up with the agreed tabulation for the preparation of the fishery statistics database based on the Regional Framework for Fishery Statistics of Southeast Asia (2024 Edition) approved at the Fifty-sixth Meeting of SEAFDEC Council and endorsed by the 32nd Meeting of the ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Fisheries or ASWGFi.

During the Consultation, the AMSs presented their respective countries’ fishery statistics and shared their experience on the availability of fishery statistics based on the revised Regional Framework and Questionnaires, and the Consultation came up with suggestions for issues/challenges encountered. Subsequently, the Consultation discussed and agreed on the tabulation for future compilation and reporting of the regional fishery statistics, which will serve as the basis for the development of the database for fishery statistics of Southeast Asia for 2024 onwards. In this connection, the SEAFDEC Secretariat is in the process of developing a project proposal for funding support from the Japanese Trust Fund and it is expected that the new fishery statistics database will be ready by 2026.