SEAFDEC attended the Regional Workshop on Sharing National Priorities for Addressing Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in the Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Thailand, which was organized by FAO in Bangkok, Thailand on 14-15 January 2020. The Workshop was attended by 30 delegates from the South Asian and Southeast Asian countries as well as representatives from international and regional organizations (i.e. SEAFDEC, RPOA-IUU, BOBP, INFOFISH, Oceanmind, and CSIRO). The aim of the Workshop were to identify the constraints and barriers on combating IUU fishing, discuss on how to address such constraints and barriers, and identify the information that could be shared and the sharing mechanism for such information in combatting IUU fishing. At this Workshop, SEAFDEC presented the regional initiatives in combating IUU fishing including the ASEAN Guidelines to Prevent the Entry of Fish and Fishery Products from IUU Fishing into the Supply Chain, Regional Fishing Vessel Record, ASEAN Catch Documentation Scheme, capacity building on port State measures implementation as well as strengthening of the MCS networks and cooperation in the Gulf of Thailand and Northern and Southern Andaman Sea sub-regions. SEAFDEC also shared the progress and future plans of such activities.
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